Just choose the name of your domain, we’ll apply it to your account, and take care of everything you need.
With a custom domain, your link is more likely to go through the moderation of the traffic sources, like Google AdWords, Facebook, Vkontakte and myTarget.
Domain can be used not only for redirecting your traffic but mostly for the "hide referrer" option, to see your domain name as a referrer in the CPA networks.
The core benefit of a custom domain is that you are fully responsible for its reputation on different sources, like spam-lists, so you can keep everything under control yourself.
Promo code is valid till 31.12.15
A quick note from Santa:
You get an individual domain at the price of not more than $15.
The domain will be valid only in 2016, after that you can extend it for an unlimited time at extra charge.
The individual domain can be used only within AdsBridge system, and it will be registered on AdsBridge.